The Lead + Health mission is to

Make health the currency

of success, not the cost

Vision: a world where good business demands good health.

Lead + Health partners with individuals, founders & teams to co-create the conditions for healthy growth; as individuals, as leaders, as a team and as organisations.

Meet our founder, Sarah

Sarah founded Lead + Health in 2022. She blends her practice as an ICF Accredited Coach & Integrative & Holistic Health practitioner with her professional experience in business transformation & workplace strategy to support founders, leaders, creatives & teams to create their conditions for growth

Healthy conditions create healthy outcomes. Simple?

It’s a simple concept, but it’s complex to navigate and challenging to execute.

What are ‘healthy conditions’ anyway?

Health is multi-dimensional. We seek health personally and in the world around us. We refer to healthy conditions all the time; healthy minds, healthy bodies, healthy work-life balance, healthy team dynamics, healthy relationships, healthy communication, healthy conflict, healthy boundaries, healthy debate, healthy culture, a healthy balance sheet…

It’s all connected. It’s a complex system.

Healthy individuals create healthy teams who build healthy, resilient and sustainably impactful organisations and healthy organisations and workplaces foster healthy team dynamics which promote the well-being of the individuals who work in them.

Create success on your terms from healthy foundations

Whether you’re looking to step out of the mould and define success on your terms, a leader who wants to redefine stale, out-dated practices, or a founder who wants to build something meaningful that puts health at it’s heart, then you’re in the right place. Whoever you are, whatever you want to lead, Lead with Health.






Learn more about working with me