The Lead + Health Approach

Our signature blend of coaching practices underpin everything we do at Lead + Health.

Purpose + Health + Leadership

This approach was born from an acknowledgement that humans are multi-dimensional and we existing with systems, at work and at home. Creating the conditions for change and growth cannot be achieved with a one-dimensional approach, it must be holistic (acknowledging the whole) and systemic (acknowledging the environment or context).

Holistic Health

Health and wellbeing receive enormous attention in our world today. Thanks to the internet and social media there is an endless supply of free and instantly available information on how to be more well or live a healthier life - this is fantastic! Sometimes it can also feel overwhelming and confusing. It can also fail to factor in all the ingredients that contribute to whole-person health which include our physical health, our emotional wellbeing, our mental state and our social & spiritual wellbeing. Not only do all these aspects influence our health, they heavily influence each other. Our health is truly multi-dimensional and like us, what health means is highly individual That’s why focusing on one aspect of health but ignoring others often leaves us feeling so far from truly healthy.

Sarah is an Integrative & Holistic Health Coach having studied with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN), the world’s leading health education provider. She anchors her coaching practice in the foundations of whole-person, holistic health.

(Self) Leadership

Type in ‘leadership’ and you’ll get nearly 5 billion results from Google. That’s a lot. It’s another hot topic. So often though it still conjures up images and behaviours that can feel outdated, restrictive or don’t reflect the diversity of leadership we actually see (and need) in our world today. Leadership development still feels like an ‘executive’ experience reserved only for only a limited few who ‘really’ need them. But at Lead + Health we think leadership is fundamentally misunderstood - we believe we’re all leaders because we’re all leading lives. Building a healthy, fulfilling and impactful life requires self-leadership and we all deserve the skills for leading; self-awareness, communication, emotional intelligence, resilience, problem solving and decision-making skills.

Sarah is a qualified coach an accredited member (ACC) of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) and is an NLP Master Practitioner.

Connection to Purpose

Your purpose isn’t one thing and it’s not necessarily your career or anything one thing that you do. Purpose is a state of mind and a connection to yourself, others and the world around you. Connection to your purpose manifests through your physical body, emotional and mental states, in social life and through your relationship to spirituality (whatever that means to you. When disconnected from your purpose and not living in alignment with your values your health and wellbeing are negatively impacted. Your purpose and your relationship to it are unique to you, just like your health and your authentic approach to leading. Understanding your purpose is the foundation for designing the life you want to lead.

Sarah holds a diploma in Transformative Coaching, which focuses on creating the conditions for paradigm shifts by connecting with the deepest levels of human experience; purpose & values, self-identity and belief systems.